Sex Across America: The Millenial Generation

(10/28/13)  As the poet said, “Every generation blames the one before…”  This might have been valid when Mike Rutherford penned that line for a tune in the late 80s, but we may actually be encountering an era where the upcoming generation should be sending out thank you baskets instead of seeking fault, especially when it comes to attitudes about sex and relationships.

The “Millenial Generation” is coming into an adulthood that was preceded by a lengthy period of civil and gender rights struggles–much of which resulted in significant shifts in social values that this new generation benefits from.  Say what you want about how they appear on the surface, but according to data published by the Pew Research Center, it’s a generation that’s much more culturally diverse, more highly educated as compared to previous generations in the same age range and much more connected globally.  As that translates to societal and sexual attitudes, they are the first generation to have a majority view that accepts working moms, same sex parenting and unmarried cohabitation as absolutely routine.

As with all things, there are pluses and minuses to how all of that might play out, of course, but there does seem to be room for optimism.  As Baby Boomers are winding down and sucking Social Security dry while Generations X & Y are stumbling through middle age, Millenials–being the first fully digital bunch–are now slowly emerging as the social and economic drivers of the future.  All of the major pieces to position themselves as one of the most significant generations in history are in place.  The issue is:  What will they do with all that’s be given to them?

While predicting the future is always a dicey enterprise (okay, we have the wrist-video-phones that were projected but whatever happened to the rocketpacks we were promised?), it’s pretty clear that regardless of what’s been lined up for them, Millenials fully intend to carve out paths based on their own rules–particularly when it comes to sexuality and relationships.  We covered an example of this a few weeks back when we discussed the burgeoning “hook-up culture” but even that just barely nicks the surface.  Case in point:  The Pew study found that those in the Millenial generation are still generally focused on the institution of marriage, with over 70% saying they want to get married, but trending towards waiting significantly longer to do so than prior generations (comparing the age range of 18-29 with a married rate of 59% in 1960 to about 20% today).  Ultimately–and without any attempt to stick a “good” or “bad” label on such things at this point–it’s often the domino effect that accompanies these kinds of shifts that contributes to unanticipated outcomes, so it will be tremendously important for sex educators and relationship coaches to keep up with–and fully understand–these “new rules” as they become more evident with this group.

Trying to get ahead of that curve may indeed be of some benefit, particularly since the resulting landscape is likely to be much different than what exists today, but falling behind–especially when this generation innately operates at digital speeds–could create an insurmountable gap.  For those committed to sex-positive relationships and education, the time to be proactive is now.  One thing seems pretty certain:  This appears to be a growing case where just because something worked well in the past doesn’t equate to it working in the future.

Building a First Toy Box

(7/15/13)  If someone is convinced that their sex-life is so utterly magnificent that they genuinely have no use for adult toys in any form, we think that’s absolutely wonderful and wish them nothing but continued happiness.  However, does that really sound like it would be the case with most of the people you know?  Probably not.

While various forms of sex toys for both men and women have been around for hundreds of years, for some reason discussing them–or their uses–may still come with some negative connotations.  As a result, there’s a lot of misinformation which causes unnecessary confusion.  Rather than spending all day identifying (and then assassinating) these silly stigmas, let’s just blow past all of that and presume that toys are supposed to be fun–and fun is good.  (In other words, if we can hang up the hang-ups, this will go much more easily.)

While the reasons in favor of incorporating toys into your sexcapades are as varied as the reasons for enjoying sex itself, orgasm assistance/enhancement is clearly among the top motives.  As a common example, many women find that using a certain type of vibrator is the easiest and, in some cases, the only way they can routinely orgasm.  Even if it’s not the case for you personally, the chances of having a satisfying orgasm greatly increase by incorporating sex toys.  If nothing else, the general imbalance between men and women regarding how much stimulation is needed to reach orgasm through intercourse can be significantly equalized by including an appropriate vibrator.

So, where do you start when putting together your first mix of goodies?  With so many products on market, the choices can easily be overwhelming.  To help get you going, we’ve put together a concise range of products in the Fallen Angel Collection, so check it out to spark some ideas.  We recommend starting with the basics, generally considering where/when you might use a particular item and whether it will be more convenient for it to be a battery operated device versus a plug-in.  There are advantages and disadvantages either way, so just think about likely scenarios and plan accordingly.  Also give some thought to where you’ll be storing your playthings in order to ensure your most private moments remain that way.

A basic toy assortment doesn’t need to break the bank, but quality should be an important factor in your product choices, particularly in terms of materials, craftsmanship and ease of cleaning/maintenance.  And while function tends to trump form for most items, we’re talking about very personal items, so design and appearance may indeed be important considerations for you.  That said, if expense is a concern, then just start with about three simple items that meet your personal priorities and preferences.  Generally, a vibrator, some health-safe lubricant and a “multi-purpose” item are good places to start.  Addressing this in a round of  He Said–She Said:

Luc says,  “If I could only have three items in my toy box, it would be a Trojan vibrating ring, a jar of raw coconut oil and a silk scarf.  The Trojan ring is, in my opinion, the best vibe ever.  Coconut oil tastes great, works beautifully for massaging and performs well as a sex lube.  A silk scarf is a versatile fetish tool such as for blindfolding, tying hands, use as a slave collar and even for whipping naughty butts softly.  On the lighter side, if I had a really large toy box, I think I’d get a sybian vibrator, a dozen red long stem roses and a Ferrari 458–all guaranteed to get a woman off.”

Alexandra says,  “I think a Power Bullet is a must-have vibrator.  It’s compact, easy to use almost anywhere and has plenty of get up and go to get you off.  I’m also a big fan of glycerin-free lubricants because they work well for different uses, so that would be a good choice.  Finally, if I could only have three items, I’d pick something that could be intimately shared, like a restraint kit.  Nothing says I love you like, ‘Stay put–I want to tease you for a while’ if you know what I mean.”

Join the conversation!  We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions about putting together a first toy assortment as well, so please comment below.  If you have questions or concerns that you may be uncomfortable with posting publicly, feel free to contact either of us by email using the links above or at